JM: How many meals did you get per day? Lena: 3 a day Janis: I got three meals a day. Anna: I would get three meals a day.
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Lena: Oh God it sucks. No doubt. Janis: The food was nasty but if you were
hungry you got over the nastiness real
fast. The eggs were bright yellow but the
consistency was real flaky and curd like.
Meat was not real meat and it was overly
processed. Vegetables weren't fully
cooked, no flavor, dirty food trays at
times. Anna: Most of the food I ate was ok. I'm sure every
thing was high in starch because I gained like 20
pounds in about one month. I would say that each
meal was very
feeling. I wouldn't get hungry to eat more. I
would rate the food to be good. My favorite meal was
always breakfast.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Lena: My favoriate I guess was bread pudding day.
Everybody waited for bread pudding day. The worst
was Red Death. That was something they served for
breakfast. It was some kind of potato and some
kind of red sauce. Nasty. Janis: I did not like any of the county food
because it was starchy, blow up food
with no real nutrition. Anna: I always liked when they served spaghetti. I also
liked peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Breakfast was always good to me. I disliked the
bologna sandwiches. I also didn't like the soup.
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Lena: We had commissary that you could order from twice
a week I think. Janis: No, meals were it. Commissary was
pretty decent price wise and was coffee,
drink mixes, candy bars, sweet rolls,
chips, meat pouches, noodles, simple
stuff. Commissary was delivered once a
week to each unit and if you didn't have
money you would get an indigent kit with
hygienes and two envelopes to write
letters. Anna: I never got the chance to buy anything from
commissary. I don't
think it was that expensive. I remember the
pregnant lady's would get a peanut butter and
jelly sandwich before bed time. But no other
snacks were offered.