JM: What else would you want a friend or family member to know if they have a loved one going to this jail? Ray: Be informed about how to make visits, calling
procedures, bonding procedures, how to send money
to the inmate accout for commissary. Pray for
their safety because anything could happen at a
moments notice. Call the jail before visiting to
make sure they are not on lockdown. Oscar: that the food is not too good and when they say
they need some money for commissary clothing and
hygiene items that are very necessary for health
and wellness in the facility Marshall: to make sure they put money on their books and send
them alot of letters because when they are in jail
letters are the only thing that make inmates happy
JM: If somebody knows they will be serving time in this jail what is your advice to them? Ray: You made the choice to do what you did and now
you have to pay ihe piper. It's not the end of
the world but it is a MAJOR inconvenience not
only to you but all those that you love on the
outside. Do your time and get out. Think of your
loved ones first. Oscar: be prepared with some money at least 500
dollars, wear extra tshirs boxers and socks and
wear sneakers without air buules, and in the
colors of any combination of black, gray and
white Marshall: To learn from your mistakes and move foward in your
life, to keep to yourself and dont get caught up in
the bullcrap in jail, be a leader not a follower
JM: Please list any other jail or rehab facilities you have been to. Ray: Brooklyn Correctional, Brooklyn, CT
Chesheire Correctional, Cheshire, CT
MacDougall/Walker, Somers, CT
New Haven Correctional, New Haven, CT Oscar: Florida, Massachusetts and the ones named in the
beginning of this survey Marshall: ive been to MYI