JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)? Ray: Underwear, socks, t-shirt, black and/or white
shoes. Anything outside of that would be packed
up for you to send home or be disposed of. Oscar: you can no longer have any clothing items
brought in for you at the jail Marshall: white sox white boxers grey jogging
outfit/sweatsuit all black or white shoes white t
JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you. Ray: I was issued a set of "tans" one top and one
bottom. The sizes didn't corrospond to your
actual size and were general in most ways. One
would be lucky to have pockets w/o holes in them. Oscar: the shirt was a tan shirt of abrasive cloth, the
pants were tan and made of the same abrasive
cloth, the boxers were cheap and didnt last long
neither did the t shirts Marshall: mine was a tan shortsleeve top tan pants white
shirt white boxers white sox and blue no laces
shoes/ slippers with shower shoes if i bought them
JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned? Ray: If you could find the newest of the item you
wouldn't look like a street bum Oscar: not really the uniform was the same it just
mattered if you got newer or older clothing Marshall: no not that i know of but buying shoes was
important to inmates
JM: Was the clothing different between men and women? Ray: Men and women are a different facilities but I
believe they are all the same. Oscar: we were not housed with women Marshall: not that i know of