JM: How often could you receive visitors? Ray: I didn't get visitors but I think you were
allowed once a day at the times scheduled for
your block Oscar: you could receive visitors I recall three times
a week but they had to be on a pre approved
visitors list Marshall: you can only recieve visitors twice a week where i
was locked up at .
JM: Was the check-in process lengthy for those who came to see you? Ray: I believe that the visitors had to come 30
minutes before visiting hours to get on the list.
They had to be on your approved visiting list and
follow all the rules. The inmate is responsible
for the visitors actions and the visiting rights
can be take away at any time. Oscar: I was told that the visitors had to go through a
lot of turmoil to get in the visiting room and
there was not enough access for my ex wife whom
was in a wheel chair Marshall: kind of they have to wait a period of time before
being able to visit a inmate but its worth it to us
i guess
JM: What was the visiting environment like? Ray: At HCC it is all behind glass (non contact).
Talking via phone. One might just as well call on
the regular phone. I think seeing the visitor is
more a tease. Others come back calmer and some
come back angry. The visit phones are monitored
also so there is never any real conversation
privacy. Oscar: the visiting environment is a little booth with
absolutely no physical access to your visitor
and cant hug your loved ones if you are in non
contact visiting which the only contact visits
are for lawyers and legal staff of some type of
capacity but they make kids stay behind glass too Marshall: i know in the majority of jails its a room with
glass windows where you have to talk through a
phone one person on one side and the inmate on the
other side i didnt get any visitors when i was in
jail so i wouldnt be able to descrjbe it perfectly