JM: How often could you receive visitors? Eric: I never had any visitors.
Was not allowed by order of i do not know who.
Becausevof my bad behavior.
I ever did nothinlg at all.
I was all made up. Dominic: you can receive visitation twice a week. If its an
attorney, there is no limit to visitation. Carlos: Visitation is two times a week maximum for an hour
each session. If you wanted to use both hours in one
visit they asked you to go through check in process
JM: Was the check-in process lengthy for those who came to see you? Eric: I wouldn't know since i never got to see anybody.
Like said since all my privileges were cut off and did not
complaint i st let it go.
j Dominic: I was told that my visitors waited a lengthy period
of time because they had to go through so much
during check in and there were so many people coming
to visit. Carlos: No, the check-in process is relatively quick. The
lengthy part is the waiting for both visitors and
inmates. Once visitor checks in they locate the
inmate and put us in a holding cell sometimes up to
45 minutes. The visitors sometimes can wait up to an
hour if it's really busy.
JM: What was the visiting environment like? Eric: Could care less, if some body had visitors or not
Who cares , no one vesited me during my time in there
So i was not aware of that environment or any other.
They hated me for some reason.
Right until few days before i got released.
I like they realized they been punishing the wrong guy. Dominic: The visitation environment was very basic. there
are no contact visitations and because its such a
large facility, the visitation area is very busy.
The time is short and visitors have to dress
appropriately. there are officers who are posted
in the area monitoring the visits at all times and
there is no privacy for your conversations. Carlos: The visitation is through a bullet proof window and
we speak to each by a telephone. On the inmate side
we sit in a cubicle type of setup but the walls are
obviously made of concrete. Its not that bad as we
do not disturb each other. On the visitor side it is
open and loud sometimes.