JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? Sam: Television, chess and dominoes that is it and you
had the gym every day except for weekends. Ron: TV, scrabble, dominos, a really pathetic gym (it
is jail so what do you expect?). Thats about it.
Oh and the library but the book selection sucks;
nothing but cheap romance novels. Scott: A gym for playing basketball and walking. never saw
the open sky during my visit except from the window
in my cell. Most guys played cards and watched TV to
pass the time. Having you own cell was basic amenity
that was very pleasurable because you read books and
get pass the other friction within the cell pod. Michael: I just had the religious meeting for one hour
(once) outside of the common pod area and cells in
a meeting room with just tables and chairs and a
blackboard. The common area had a t.v. to watch
and concrete tables to play cards at in the middle
of the pod when your cell door was open which was
about 12-14 hours/day that they kept the cell
doors open. Bruce: t.v , or ,cards all the other games are destroyed
. and also you could go to aa . or church and work
out but other than that ther was not much eles to
do . inside of du page county jail . but i seemed
to always find a way to pass the time inside of
there that is just somthing you find out how to do
when you are in ther
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. Sam: Well the television was ruled, I never touched
Ron: I didnt dare touch the TV without getting a basic
survey of whether everyone was ok with it.
Majority rules basically. Scott: Only entertainment was TV and it did have basic
cable so mostly guys watch sports at night and
game shows and talk shows during the day. Guys
did gamble for food trays and desserts when
playing cards and dominoes. Oftentimes fights and
rivalries came to life during these activities but
it make time go by faster. Michael: I wouldn't say that there was any entertainment in
the jail except for the one t.v. that was located
up high on the ceiling and i don't know how they
changed the channel, i guess they asked a guard to
change the channel, i just watched whatever was on
at the time, and very little at that because it
was a small screen t.v., and i couldn't hear it
very well with all the talking in the common area. Bruce: well the tv was 12inches big and the pod boss was
always on it i would get up extra early and watch it
was the only time i could do it and also no one eles
was awake and it was nice quiet it ws my little time
away from it all
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? Sam: No, you have the gym plus you have nothing else
to do but push ups and sit ups. Ron: Wasnt really my goal to stay in shape. I just
tried to pass the time quickly. Scott: No, because I play basketball during my leisure time
at home. 6 days a week of running during basketball
is good enough exercise. We had an hour of gymtime
each day. Michael: No, i had 3 meals per day, and was only there for 5
days, i don't think i exercised at all, except to
walk around the common area, mostly slept and read
the bible i brought in with me. Bruce: no i worked out most of my time it was the amount of
food and protein that lacked in the food because the
amout of food was so small it was hard to gain
whiget and for being a drug user was important
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? Sam: Never outside. Ron: Never. Scott: Never allowed to go outside. Only could play
basketball in the small gym or walk. Small older
weight set was available as well. If you have a job
in the kitchen they have access to a bigger gym with
longer gym times. Usually considered the better
behaved inmates. Michael: We were not allowed to go outside at all, all 5 days
i spent inside, i walked around the common area to
exercise the whole time i was there. Bruce: you could go to the gym and work out there was no
outside in the jail me and others would go to the
gym and they can open some windows but they are so
high up
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? Sam: Church services were held everyday. But it was
not like church, it is when a guy comes in to
talk about God and the Bible. Ron: Yes but I never partook. Scott: Jail offered church services during thew week from
volunteer pastors. I never attended but the
prosecuting attorney knows when you consistently
attend so it's better that you go to show some type
of rehabiltation. Michael: In the time i was there a man came to our pod once,
i don't think he was a minister, jut a religious
person doing Gods work and had a church bible study
for about one hour. Bruce: yes christian and muslem church are the ones you can
go to you have to put a slip in to get on the list
and you can not have a yellow band