JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Matthew: During the presentencing process, I was not
incarcerated. The Judge did a presentence
investigation. During this time,I was out on
bond. The Judge took into consideration mental
health issues as well as my past record to
decide the sentence I was going to receive. He
also listened to the plaintiff's requests.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Matthew: There was a warrant put out on me for violating
an Order of Protection because I called my ex-
wife to talk to her about my visitation with my
children. We got into an argument about the
visitation so she called the police to say I
violated her Order of Protection by calling her.
The Police pulled me over in Bartlett, Illinois
after running my license plate number and
finding out I had the warrant. I ran from the
police in a high speed chase through 4 different
cities before they flattened my tires with spike
sticks. I ran from them because I was in
posession of Crack Cocaine.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Matthew: Going to Domestic court in Kane County is very
bad. The judge arranges for all cases to be
heard on the same day. Sometimes on court day
there was no room to sit or stand in the
courtroom. I had a public defender and every
time I went to court on my case, I would have a
new person taking my case. The new public
defender would have no idea of my case and most
times he/she would just be asking for
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Matthew: In Kane County, my original charge was Violation
of an Order of Protection by Phone Harassment.
That was also the charge I plead guilty to.