JM: How often could you receive visitors? Alan: I think I was eligible to have visitors at least
twice a week and up to two visitors per visit. Martin: once aweek visits were through glass and you have to
get there social security number
JM: Was the check-in process lengthy for those who came to see you? Alan: Yes. My visitors had to wait up to two hours to
see my and submit to a back ground check. The
check-in process is why a lot of people didn't
want to come see me. Martin: i never had any visitors so i would not know about
the visitor check in proceess so i am sorry i cannot
awnswer you question
JM: What was the visiting environment like? Alan: The visiting environment was awful. had to talk on
phone thru a big glass window. the phone was beat
up and hard to hear on. the glass was all smeared
up. other inmates were shouting and couldn't hear
my visitors. the visit was depressing and were too
short. so short that I stared declining my visits. Martin: the visiting enviroment was two rooms split by glass
i think that visitors had a very emotional time a
lot of stress and alot of emotions running high i
only saw the visiting rooms from my jail pod as i
stated i never had any visitors so i cant answer