JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Tina: I got along fine with everyone. Probably because
of my age. For the most part, not all, they're
just people that either did something stupid or
think they're above the law. You learn a certain
type of respect. Of course, DO NOT TOUCH another
inmates anything. We don't have much in there so
everyone is pretty protective. I'm a people
person, so I was friends with most everyone, but
not best friends.
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Tina: When something or someone would bother you, you
said or thought, "walk away", that was always the
common mindset if you wanted to avoid a bad
situation. I constantly told myself and others,
let it go, it's the way it is and you can't change
it. I saw many, many fights between inmates, also
inmates & CO's. If you're paying attention, you
learn to not get upset about things and just
accept it. There was an inmate on the bunk above
me, at some point, that I became cautious of. If
you were on her good side she could be fun. But
cross her once, I mean just disagree with her
opinion and that was all it took. According to
her, she was a girlfriend of a gang member and she
carried her status. Some avoided her, the CO's
knew her well. I had about two weeks feeling
uncomfortable around her so I treaded lightly. She
had a reputation so I wasn't fearful. At no point
in time was I ever afraid of inmates. For the most
part they were either return clients or just doing
their time.
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Tina: I wasn't in a cell at HCDC. I was in what was
known as the trailer park. It was 12 bunks set up
in the dayroom in Q dorm. I've heard it has since
been removed after the expansions were complete.
Many changes have taken place since my release.
They were supposed to begin in December, I
believe. Some of the inmates preferred the trailer
park, I did because of the lighting. I could stay
up late and write letters with no noise. Jails are
noisy. No matter who your bunkie or cellie is, you
deal with it or it comes to a head and you're
seperated. When I first got to HCDC, both times, I
was put in "E". That was really bad!!! Usually at
HCDC, your cellmates changed upon their release.