JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Travis: Having been my first time going to jail, it was pretty
overwhelming. During initial intake, I was ridiculed by the
officers in a very unprofessional manner, because of my charges.
Then I was eventually brought into a unit or 'pod' after meeting
with classification. I lived in Pod-A for about four miserable days
when I was moved to Pod-C. Then after 2 more days I had court
where I was given another court date and brought back to the jail
and Pod-C. I lived in Pod-C for nearly two months before being
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Travis: Since having never dealt with the police before and knowing
virtually nothing about the criminal justice system, the police got
in contact with me and told me to come to the station to answer
questions or risk them issuing a warrant. And in my ignorance I
did just that, without the guidance of an attorney, and
incriminated myself badly. The police kept my in interrogation
for nearly four hours and used various tactics to get me to talk.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Travis: At court, the prisoners being held tell each other 'war stories' about
random acts of violence and illegal activities they've committed. The
court officers were generally not very friendly or helpful and it was
difficult to get them to get your attorney to come down to talk to
you. Also they leave you shackled by your wrists and ankles at all
times, which is very uncomfortable for nearly an entire day.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Travis: Four counts of felony breaking and entering. Two counts of
Open/Gross lewdness. Convicted on all charges.