JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)? Stan: Normal jail clothing; for me black and white
stripes! Rich: Unless one is assigned to a high-observation area
or a mental health unit, you can usually purchase
from the commissary, or keep from the street
clothing you were booked into the jail with, your
undershirt, underpants and socks, if they are of a
plain color (black or gray or white for the socks,
white or off-white for the underclothes). Claudia: You cvan bring in only white items so you can
bring in thermal pants and shirts, white tshirts,
boxer shorts, underwear for women (no thongs),
SPorts bras or bras without any under wire in them
( most women would cut the under wire out in the
holding cells so they could keep there bras) you
can also bring in socks but thats it not tank tops
or anything like that again thermals, boxers,
white tshirts, underwear, socks, and sports
bras.NO hair ties or scrunchies
JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you. Stan: Normal jail clothing; for me black and white
stripes! Rich: You are given a two-piece outfit, which is really
a blue jump suit. Pants and a top. If you do not
have socks or underwear, and cannot purchase them
from commissary, or if booking does not allow you
to bring your underclothes/socks into the jail,
then you will be wearing only the jumpsuit. You
are also given a pair of sandals to wear. Claudia: THe uniform looks like a set of navy blue srub
type pants and shirt, you must have a uniform on
at all times when outside your cell. when in your
cell you can where just your whites you cna also
where any of your white clothing underneathe your
county blues. you were also given a pair of very
hard rubber type brown sandals
JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned? Stan: no Rich: The jail is currently in the process of replacing
all of the uniforms, and I believe a different set
of color schemes will be used versus the old ones
and the ones that are currently being used. Men
currently receive a blue jumpsuit and sandals.
These clothes are likely at least 15 years old,
and if possible, you should try to request the
cleanest pair a deputy or trustee can find for
you, as some can have tears or a lot of matted up
fibers on them, which isn't a good thing when you
need to present your best appearance at future
court proceedings. Some of the rubber sandals are
also torn or you might get handed a pair of
sandals that don't fit your feet properly at
all--be vigilant about this. Also, if you are
transferred from another facility that provides
shoes or allows you to purchase jailhouse/prison
shoes that would be allowed within this jail, then
make certain to ask for sandals, as they will not
always be automatically provided under these
circumstance. You need the sandals to shower in
properly. Claudia: You do not get cvlothing assigned to you. not even
underwear if you did not have any on when your
were arrested your SOL! the only way to get those
typed of items would be to buy them on commissary
the only items of clothing that are provided to
you by the jail are 2 pairs of navy blue scrub
type prisoner pants, 2 navy blue scrub type
Prisoner tops and 1 pair of county sandals
JM: Was the clothing different between men and women? Stan: I didn't see any women except for guards Rich: Women's clothing at the current time is of a
different color scheme (gray/tan blue). Claudia: NO the only inmates that got different uniforms
were the trustees insterad of wearing navy blue
the trustees wore orange.