JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications? Stan: N/A Rich: Yes, any medications that I absolutely required
were available to me. Note however that the jail
charges prescription fees and the nurse and
doctor's visits to your jail account, and these
cannot be covered otherwise even if you have
medical insurance. The jail doesn't like to give
out antibiotics or pain medications, prescription
or nonprescription, and if you happen to have a
particularly expensive or rare medication that
they might not want to have floating around in the
jail (certain sleeping or psych medications), they
might substitute it with something else, or
perhaps not provide any equivalent for it at all. Claudia: NO! its very hard to get any kind of meds even
tylenol for a a headache you have to fill out a
medical request form to see the doctor or the
nurse and iot usually takes about 3 days befor you
see them and when you finally do you have to ask
for permission to get tylenol or any kind of meds.
again you have to do the same thing if your sick
and normally by the time you get to see the doc
your already starting to get better.
JM: How did you get your medications? Stan: N/A Rich: The medications were dispensed one or more times
daily as necessary by a nurse going around the
cell blocks on his/her assigned rounds. Claudia: I had to go see the doctor and ask for them. But i
would get the from the nurse when she came around
with the medication cart on medication pass times
which was 3 times per day.
JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this? Stan: N/A Rich: Although hoarding or sharing of medications is
prohibited and a minor or major rule violation by
the jail policies, this seems to be in practice
overlooked, and it is very common for inmates to
trade in medications. I did not participate in
this kind of activity, but I witnessed it, and I
never saw any form of concern or sanction for even
blatantly obvious cases of this. Claudia: If you were caught abusing drugs in the jail they
would up your classification to a level 8 so you
would be on cell alone and walk alone status for
however many days the sargent decided to give you
for punishment and they would also send a note to
your judge and you would loose all privlegdes like
commisary and every single privelegde the jail offers.