JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Allie: I was originally charged with burglary and
obtaining money under false pretenses. I was in
a financial crime ring, checks, payday loans
with false documents, fake id's. Jason: It was quick and somewhat efficient. id give them a
thumbs up all in all. it was held in the online
court room and quick and speedy. not many choices to
go bye either your guilty or not as usual but very
abrupt after you plea not much information give in
on your status
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Allie: Detectives tracked me down at my apartment and
arrested me. I wasn't expecting them to come at
all. I had written some bad payday check loans,
and thought they would just be sent to
collections. Jason: i was arrested during an incident at a store and
was brought to county jail. i was not only miss
treated in this incident but systematically over
looked by my determiners until the police came.
they did not follow proper procedures as i know
them and were overly aggressive but at last i did
do wrong..
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Allie: I had an arraignment 2 or 3 days after being
arrested. That was on a video screen in a room
in the jail. I didn't even leave the jail for
court. I ended up getting an OR (release on my
own recognizance) at the arraignment. I was
released a day and 1/2 later. I was not
supposed to drink or use drugs, and I failed a
drug test. I was put back in jail
for 84 days. Jason: court was long yet quick i was brung to an empty
room with serveral other imates were we were all
cuffed to the hips and shackled by the ankle. then
loaded into a van depending on which court we were
headed to. at court we waited and were meet by our
public defenders ( Jessica longly is not a good
one by the way) and then brung in one by one into
court. i was one of the last ones and it took 2
hrs to see the judge.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Allie: Original charges 2 counts felony burglary, 2
county felony obtaining money under false
pretenses. I worked out a deal so 4 felonies to
1 felony which was uttering a forged
instrument. Jason: my original charges were petty larceny and batter
with possession plus a violation.