JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)? Karl: You were issued three pairs of tighty-whitie
shorts that were laundered and re-used, which is
gross, especially considering that even upstate
you are issued new. You are also issued three T-
shirts (used) and 2 jumpsuits that you generally
have to turn in several times before you get one
that fits. You could also get an orange "hoody"
sweatshirt, upon request, if they were
available. You also were issued three pairs of
(used laundered) white socks and one pair of
cheap made in China sneakers that provided no
arch support whatsover. If your family brought
you sneakers, you were permitted to have those. Wilford: none. niagara county jail does not allow you to
have any clothes brought in or keep any clothes
that you were arrested with. they must be bought
on commissary
JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you. Karl: Yes. it was a blue jumpsuit with "NIAGARA
COUNTY JAIL" emblazoned on one leg and the back. Wilford: the uniform is a big blue jump suit. its a one
piece with buttons. the also give you 1 white t
shirt one pair on white underwear and 1 pair of
socks and 1 towel. other clothing must be bought
on commissary
JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned? Karl: Yes. Hoody-type sweatshirts were always in high-
demand and in short supply. Wilford: no not that i know of. everybody gets the same thing.
JM: Was the clothing different between men and women? Karl: Yes. The women wore a beige/brown jumpsuit, and
I am not sure what underwear they were issued,
as I never personally saw that. Wilford: womens jump suits are beige as mens are blue