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Interview with Karl and Wilford

JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications?
Karl: I myself never took any medications, but the "Med" cart showed up the first thing in the morning before the cells were unlocked and just before each and every meal. Another inmate and I suspect that much of the medication is placebo- based, probably in some warped attempt to save money.
Wilford: you could buy motrin on commissary.

JM: How did you get your medications?
Karl: Not applicable to me.
Wilford: a nurse came around the to unit 3-4 times a day. a sick call slip would have to be given to the deputy if you wanted to see a doctor for something.

JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this?
Karl: If you were caught abusing drugs, they were confiscated and you were served with a "ticket". During the time I was there the surcharge for "tickets" was increased from $5.00 to $20.00
Wilford: you would be written up and placed in segregation and have priveledges taken for getting cought. drugs are not hard to find in jail. i seen people smoking weed, cigeretts, and abuse there perscribed drugs or sell them.

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