Interview with Blunt, Charles, Patrick, Ryan, TJ and U.N. Owen
JM: How many meals did you get per day? Blunt: three meals were provided a day Charles: Three.
Some of the prisoners would buy food and snacks
from the commissary and have a little party on
friday and saturday nights. Lights were on a
little later those nights because there weren't
any courts on Saturday and Sunday. Wake up for
courts was at 430 am; Monday thru Friday. Tese
little parties occured in C95. The MO wards were
a different world!
Patrick: three meals per day but only two where mandatory Ryan: 3 TJ: 3 U.N. Owen: 3.
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Blunt: the food was horrible an sometimes uncooked Charles: Terrible. Halal food was better and you would
get more of it. Some prisoners said they were
Muslim to get the better food.
Patrick: 4 Ryan: bad TJ: 0 U.N. Owen: Edible. Mostly.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Blunt: i did not enjoy any of the food Charles: The bologna and hot dogs were real terrible.
bread we had was made in the jail bakery. It
wasn't so bad.
Patrick: i loved chicken and rice day Ryan: no TJ: none U.N. Owen: I don't eat any kind of seafood.
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Blunt: no Charles: In C95 the commissary did a big business with
snacks. In the MO ward it worked differently.
prisoners would check off a form for commissary
items and it would be delivered to the ward. In
C95 the prisoners would visit the commissary and
buy goods. Patrick: cookies chips soda fish crackers soup honeybun danish Ryan: commissary TJ: yes U.N. Owen: Not snacks - commissary.