Interview with Blunt, Charles, Patrick, Ryan, TJ and U.N. Owen
JM: Did you have regular access to telephones? Blunt: yes there were two different phone lines Charles: Yes but there were fights over use of the phones.
Prisoners put money in the commissary account to
pay for phone use. Many prisoners would bother
for use of my phone calls. Some I would give
a call. Prisoners would type in their book and
case number in order to use the phone if they had
calls left.
Patrick: yes every day Ryan: yeah. TJ: yes U.N. Owen: Yes, but, I'm not a talker, even on my cell phone.
I'd check in with my mom, say 'hi,' and, let her
know I'm alive, how much money I'd need on my
commissary acct, and then I'd say 'goodbye.'
JM: What types of charges applied for calling people? How much money would you guess the average inmate spends per week on phone calls? Blunt: there was free calls unless you didnt have money
in your comessary then the person that your
callin has to charged for collect calls Charles: When I was released from Rikers I had big phone
charges but I never paid for them. I am not sure
how the system works. I know phone charges are
automatically taken from a prisoner's commissary
account. Patrick: fifteen minute call was ninety six cents when a
six minute call was fifty six cents Ryan: you recieved 2 free calls a TJ: cALLS were broken down by minutes, different
amount of minutes (15, 6 , 3 minute call) U.N. Owen: I don't even know, but, you get a certain number
of free calls allotted to you each day.
JM: Did you need to buy phone cards to call out? Blunt: no Charles: I never heard of phone cards being used. I
believe the commissary controlled phone use. Patrick: no Ryan: no TJ: no U.N. Owen: No, I did not.
JM: Did the jail screen your calls? Blunt: no Charles: I dont know Patrick: yes everyday Ryan: I believe they do TJ: yes U.N. Owen: What kind of a question's that!?!?