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Jail Layout

Interview with Zach and E

JM: How many different blocks were there?
Zach: Lackawanna has I think 10 different blocks. One is a female block tho
E: alpha, bravo, foxtrot, charlie, echo. DC, DB, and work release/recycling are dorms with 6 16 person cells. Others have 2 man cells.

JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they?
Zach: Alpha, delta, fox, Charlie, gulf it's a few more I can't name them all I was only on 2
E: see above

JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks?
Zach: You are housed according to your age security level sex, what charges you have as well as if you have a codefendent some inmates are county some are state and some are federal
E: now (as of summer 14) the whole jail is general population exceptions are the max block and protecting the fags/snitches...

JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks?
Zach: Nothing is nice about any Jail block only benefits you may have is the certain officers assigned to your block some officers are nicer than others some are racist and some are just there to do a job and some actually do care about you the the worst part is the same way it all depends in the officers you get
E: dorms are loud/dirty. But have more drugs/tobacco. 2 man can suck if you get a bad celly--its a toss up.

Read about telephone access in the Lackawanna County Prison

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