JM: What else would you want a friend or family member to know if they have a loved one going to this jail? DL.Bliss: just try to make good use on your time to
reflect on what went wrong to get you there in
the first place, read, interact, and make the
best out of a bad situation. And pray..when you
go in, and when you leave. Keith: Keep your head up it aint over one day you shall prevail and
move on to great things better yourself think about your
mistake and how you wont make it twice Michelle: visit them every chance you can Roxy: Its never easy seeing someone you love
going to jail
i mean
its a long rode to recovery no matter
how you look
at iti
mean its just like their doinv the time
with you not
but mentally
JM: If somebody knows they will be serving time in this jail what is your advice to them? DL.Bliss: don't try to focus on your time left, because it
will make it seem that much longer. It may sound
crazy, but try to train yourself to believe this
is how it is supposed to be, it will help you
cope with it easier. Keith: Whatever your involve in its not worth older men teach our
young ones instead of deceiving them lying to them and huring
them their our future stay in school and shoot for the stars Michelle: stay to youir self Roxy: If your serving time do the time dont let
the time do
you its
easy to get caught up in the foolish stuff
im here to
say it
aint worth it stay away from the negative
JM: Please list any other jail or rehab facilities you have been to. Keith: Non Roxy: None