JM: How many different blocks were there? DL.Bliss: there are 6 floors (i think) and about 12 blocks
on each floor. Keith: Theres a total of 9 blocks Michelle: for the female there is one building with a few
cell blocks Roxy: Alpha building b c d g h i main building
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? DL.Bliss: they are lettered a, b, c, d, etc... Keith: A b c d e g h i aoc main frame Michelle: a thru f block. i do not remember. Roxy: Charlie building C g building mental
health alpha building for
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? DL.Bliss: i'm not sure. Keith: A was library b was young people c was gang members d
theraputic e was trouble people g mentally ill h drug i drug aoc
lower security risk people main frame high risk people
Michelle: do not remember Roxy: I was in b building where mostly
aggravated charges are
more terrible charges are in the main
building lower securitu
levels are in open dorms east and west
wings buildings
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? DL.Bliss: most of the inmates were there to help
night the talking can become irritating. Keith: All buildings are the same but some dorms are not cleaned the
same or smell different or different rules aplly frustrating is
what it is actually nothing is nice about the blocks but the clean
ones really some have vending machines and micowaves and
some just dont at all its terrible Michelle: no Roxy: Some blocks like mental health are great
blocks because of
microwaves more activites better cleaner
happier people aoc was east and west
wing for workers they
got vending machines microwaves main
building got nothing
really but a hard time from what i saw
and gym later
curfews but nothing