JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. pete: No Jake: No, most of them were just trying to figure out
how to get out like me, but a few were very
diruptive angry people. I just tried to avoid
them. Billy: Yes very difficult to get along with (some) of
the other inmates.Of course they put you in a
cell with people doing a very long sentence for
ridiculous crimes.Usually young kids or adults
that sale drugs and are basically gang bangers
that have no regard for there own safety
much less the safety of others.They will be
spending a very long time in jail and have no
problems with stealing and or strong arming you
for your commisary or other personal
belongings.Also during the weekends they would
crowd over 20 to 30 more inmates in an already
maxed out cell fro 2-3 more days.Inmates would
sleep on the floor with the mattreses that they
were givin usually standing room only when the
weekend rolled around. Kara: Not really as long as you stayed to yourself.
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? pete: Read books Jake: Just keep to myself mostly, I didn't realy talk
to anyone unless they started talking to me first. Billy: Well the first time i went to wilco they allowed
playing cars but then banned them because
inmates could not get along and gambled.So for
obvious reasons they no ;longer sold them on
commissary.The recreation or exercise was a big
joke as they would never allow basketball goals
and or any exercise basically
exercise time was going into a large room with
no roof to stand around and be bored.watching
tvf was a whole nother problem that always
consisted of inmates arguing over what to watch.
Kara: Read, wrote alot of letters, kept a journal and
did bible studies or read the bible.
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? pete: No Jake: Nope, 24 cell buddies, no choice, 3 toilets, 1
shower. And a note on the cell conditions, IT IS
FROM THE TOILET TRAVEL AROUND 8 FEET. Billy: I guess I don't under stand the question are you
asking if we were able to choose or cell mate if
we knew one?
If so not at all. Kara: Of course not.