JM: How many different blocks were there? pete: Not sure Jake: I don't know, how many? Billy: oh there were several different Blocks).probably
25 to 30.There were also pods that were
downstairs that everyone hated because of the
lack of supervision and the fact that if a
fight did break out some one could get seriously
hurt by the time guards arrived.and many people
have gotten hurt. Kara: No idea; the jail is a maze I never quite
figured out.
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? pete: Pods a through z Jake: Yes. A block, B block..... Billy: the cell block I was in was called a-100 which
was a 36 man tank if i remember. don't remember
the others except for the (pods). Kara: a series of large dorms called pods and the
southside with 8 man tanks
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? pete: Serious inmates were in cells Jake: I know serious offenses, violent crimes, and
three-peat offenders were in different areas.
Two hands to that. Billy: sexual predators and dangerous murderers. Kara: not sure, it changed around some depending on
housing needs
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? pete: Open showers whenever we needed one and we had
washers and dryers Jake: They seemed to all be moldy wreckage. It wasn't
pleasant. Billy: well jail is jail there was nothing nice about
it.The worst part I think there was about being
in a-100 is the mildew and the overall filth
that consumed the shower and toilet area. Kara: pods were noisy, disruptive and the guards were
always angry in there
smaller manned tanks were quieter, more private,
able to actually spend time reading and
concentrating, less tension and the guards in
that area were more respectful and calmer