Interview with Ryan, Alex, George, Diana and Maria
JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? Ryan: BOOKS, CHURCH, TV Alex: Mostly just TV and religious programs. George: CARDS, TV Diana: I attended. Said GED class when I was in jail but it didn't pass
time. It was only a few days so I missed the program I also
would go to law library to look up my case when I had the
chance I'd go to church to pray .no Maria: Well in the Pierce County Jail, there was only TV
and cards, and that was it. We'd have tournaments
of spades' games. I didn't play very well,
because I wasn't familiar with the game. But I did
my best to learn it, knowing that to be a good
spades player might be my only salvataion.
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. Ryan: REGULAR ACCESS Alex: Good luck. It seemed very one sided to choose what was on TV. George: WEIGHTING LISTS Diana: Did you have access to entertainment no there was no
entertainment sometimes guards would turn on TVs but
mostly no so I'd just read a books to keep entertainment
flowing or write letters to my friends to keep up with current
events I would read the newspaper every morning are
breakfast Maria: Well, there were the TV know, when the
girls all wanted to watch something different;
they'd get downright nasty sometimes, calling each
other names, and all sorts of shit: taking their
food and doing strange things with it, like maklng
charactatures of the others that were just off the
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? Ryan: NO Alex: Yes. There was a small concrete court yard but most people
wouldn't want to do push ups or sit ups because of people who spit
on the floor. Most people just walk around the day room. It's 56
laps around the tables for 1 mile. George: YES Diana: No I didn't have a hard time staying in shape in jail because I
washit eating alot and I walked Maria: I gained soooo much weight. I STILL haven't lost
it, and it's been since '97. All there was to DO
was eat.
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? Ryan: EVERY THIRD DAY Alex: Only access to a SMALL courtyard every other day. George: NEVER Diana: I only went outside to go to court for exercise I'd walk around
the dorm or do site ups in my cell also I'd do squats Maria: Well, when I was in the Pierce County Jail, we
couldn't really go outside; well, I think I remember
us going up to the roof.
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? Ryan: ONCE A WEEK, ONE HOUR LONG, ENJOYABLE Alex: They were offered at least a few times a week and they were held
in a small TV room off the main floor. George: YES, SHORT FULL AND NOT OFTEN Diana: No I never been to jail church services I wasn't aware of the
program I would of went if I knew Maria: Yes. At the Pierce County Jail, they DID offer
church services, but I only attended once, and that
was enough for me! I was taken to this room that
was all stone, like the rest of the jail; there
were NO religious symbols: No crosses, or anything
or that nature. It sucked ass.