Interview with Karl, Lisa, Zach, Kelly, Jeff, Maurice, Jose and Ken
JM: How often could you receive visitors? Karl: like 3 or 4 times a week. Lisa: daily Zach: your aloud two visits a week per person. but a
different person could come and see you two times
allso Kelly: I received visitors twice a week on the average
which were very short visits for both Jeff: I received visitors twice a week usually from my
family but I think you could receive visitors almost
every day except one or two I think. Maurice: We could have visitors just about
everyday other then a few but the visits
was interrupted all the time Jose: you could get 2 visits a week mondays tuesdays
wednesdays and thursday visiting time was from 6pm
to 11pm no visits on fridays and cant remember
weekends Kelly: you could have visitors every day besides Friday.
Through the week visitations was at night and the
weekend was different hours. Ken: Once again it depends on your classification
level. The detention center considers it a
privalige when in reality its the one thing that
helps one maintain sanity in the situation they
are in.
JM: Was the check-in process lengthy for those who came to see you? Karl: thats what they usually said Lisa: i dont know Zach: yes sometimes it could be up to a one hour waite
if your in restricted cus it can be even longer
because only one inmate at a time alode out Kelly: no the check in process was not lengthy but it
was short visits it would take about 30 minutes
to get in but a 15 minute visit Jeff: Yes. My family would almost always complain about
how long it took them to get to see me and complain
about how long they had to stand in line. Maurice: Yes i have waited up to 2 days to go back
to a unit and you.cant lay down you dont
get food as much as the inmates do in
the back Jose: im not a hundred percent sure but i do know that
the guards were rude to my wife several times also
if u brought something back with u like a phone
your visit was canceled Kelly: I know my family didnt enjoy it at all. They had
to wait in a long line to check in and would
sometimes miss the time they intended on visiting
and would have to wait until the next visit, which
was every half hour. Ken: Yes it was from what I was told. My visitors some
times had to wait for up to two hours to come in
to see me.
JM: What was the visiting environment like? Karl: small hole. piece a glass. cant hear nothing.
very frustating. hard piece a rock to set on. no
contact Lisa: i dont know Zach: It is ok but you cant hardly hear each other
through the glass the environment is always clean
Good parking and well lighted up for your safety
Bathrooms clean the police will answer your
questions if you have any I like it now that you
can send cash to inmates. Kelly: you taled on a phone with your loved one through
the glass the phone were not the best jphones to
use sometimes you could not hear the
conversation the visiting time was short but it
was just nice to be able to see and hear your
loved ones no matter how short Jeff: I didn't like it at all because other visitors and
inmates could hear your conversations because it
was not very private at all. Another thing I
didn't like about it was that the glass between
you and your visitor made you feel like you were
further apart than you were and no contact was
hard after you had been in there for a length of
time. Maurice: I could barly hear my visits threw thew
thick glass and there is no contact for
privacy cause all the inmates run around
you while you visit is going on and alot of
tines they will come up to see what you
girl or mom or sister looks like so they
can holla and start problems Jose: it was a plex glass window inside a steel frame
with tiny holes for you to speak into but you
couldnt hear anything very good plust it was so
uncomfortable and i hated the way it was set up so
people in pods could see your visit which it isnt
their business Kelly: Visiting was on the top tier, in the front of the
block. I set inside the block in a single squared
off area and they set outside the block. We
visited through a glass type window and we spoke
to each other through a metal intercom like box.
There were a few other inmates visiting at the
same time beside you but we were separated by a wall. Ken: Through plexy glass is awful because your family
wants you hold you and you need to be held. Your
kids want to play with you , your spose wants to
feel your warmth , its awful when you gotta watch
them away knowing you cant go with them. Its just
as hard on them to have to walk away and not take
you with them.