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Closing Advice

Interview with Todd and Antwon

JM: What else would you want a friend or family member to know if they have a loved one going to this jail?
Todd: just that often times its alot easier if you have friends or family that will help you get through the time ytou are incarcerated it means alot to recieve mail in there but mainly just knowing there are people on the outside that cartes for you helps a lot
Antwon: Please be mentally strong because its the worst experience ever.Some people like going back and forth to jail but Mobile lock people up for any and everything it is ridiculous.If you dont know God please seek him now because that is the only person that will keep you strong because thats all you have.

JM: If somebody knows they will be serving time in this jail what is your advice to them?
Todd: make the most out of your time and learn a lesson from your mistake if you hang out with the wrong people it can make it alot worse stay busy keep your mind occupied and pray daily
Antwon: Go to church as much as possible,keep your loved ones putting money on your books for food because you wont get fed enough,keep to yourself dont get involved with everyone because some people try to take advantage of you.

JM: Please list any other jail or rehab facilities you have been to.
Antwon: none

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