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Closing Advice

Interview with Bruce and Elvira

JM: What else would you want a friend or family member to know if they have a loved one going to this jail?
Bruce: I would tell them to go visit them as much as they can. In jail you are alone so support from the outside is a great help. Let them know that they are loved and not alone.
Elvira: Tell them to sign up for the work dorm if they are offered it. It helps the time go by so much. They get to do stuff to occupy their time and also get paid a little for their time.

JM: If somebody knows they will be serving time in this jail what is your advice to them?
Bruce: Tell them to get a job in the kitchen as soon a possible. I take time off you sentence and you make $2 a day added to your commissary account. It really makes the time go by faster
Elvira: Hang in there, just do your time and try to avoid problems with others. Make sure you have time on your phone so you can call loved ones. That also helps you get through the time, being able to talk to your loved ones on the outside.

JM: Please list any other jail or rehab facilities you have been to.
Bruce: That was the only time that I have been in Jail
Elvira: NA

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