JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Lindsay: For the most part no because I stayed to myself but I almost
got in a fight because one girl talked loud all the time
bothered everyone but I realized wasn't worth getting in more
trouble Bryce: No I pretty much got along with
everybody. Houston county is not that
big so I knew alot of people from the
street. Also I, knew alot of the from the
job I used to do a a club I worked at.
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Lindsay: Mainly just keep away and ignore them as hard as it is I would
read a lot or write lettered anything to keep my mind off the
nasty women around me and its hard when you know they are
trying to push your buttons a lot of them thrive on drama Bryce: There was nothing really special that I
did. Its like most jails not prisons ifvyou
don't really bother anybody none will
bother you probably. But if you have that
many angry people in one place some
thing is bound to happen sooner or later.
Its alot if distrusted people in jail.
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Lindsay: No I was in an open dorm with like 30 women and you cannot
chose who you want as a bunkie because they do not want
you to get anything you want Bryce: Hell no you can't change a cellmate and
who ever wrote these questions know
that. Cellmates aren't changed that often
cause it takes people so long to go
anywhere. So the answer to your
question is no.