JM: How many meals did you get per day? Lindsay: Three meals per each day Bryce: We got three a day.
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Lindsay: Awful almost nothing is real its dried or fake and taste horrible
and the portions are very small and a lot of sandwiches and
cereal you get no seasoned food ever and most inmates don't
eat it they buy out of store and then put on weight from all the
junk Bryce: Lol horrible terrible nasty barely able to
eat it.why because it has no taste no salt
pepper. Its always cold . Eating cold food
is not healthy. The Food again is just like
most other jails.nasty terrible. They
should have some standard for jail food I
know they in jail but damn.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Lindsay: No I hated it all but breakfasts was probably the best and
that's not saying much it was always the same week after
week Bryce: No I had no favorite. All of it taste like
shit period point blank. The least
favorite. Is all of it.
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Lindsay: Yes only if you were able to buy store and its pretty expensive
but you could get sodas chips soup candy and lots of things if
you were able to afford it and keep betters away Bryce: Commissary.. only and if you are
diabetic. The commissary is extremely
high a twenty cent pack of noodles is
eighty five cent so I would say somebody
is making a pretty penny of jails all over
the united states. Oh and you have to
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