JM: How many meals did you get per day? Todd: we got three meals per day Antwon: We received three small meals a day the size a
kindergardener would have.
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Todd: it was terrible the food was never hot hardly no
salt or pepper just bland and you had to wait
for the officers to bring your plates to the
table and then they would let everybody out of
the cells at once so every body would come
running out to grab a tray Antwon: I would give the meals a -1 out of 10 because they
were not portioned for grown men and it was just all
around disgusting. I didnt eat for a week when I
first arrived because my stomach couldnt handle it.
I had to basically starve myself until I had no
choice but to eat it.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Todd: no i didnt like any of it but after a while you
just have to accept the fact that you have to
eat to survive so pretty much it was a life or
death situation there were some thing like
chicken and rice where they boiled whole
chickens and rice together that was just awful Antwon: My favorite meals was the tacos and my least
favorite meals was the catmeat we called it because
it had green stuff in it and nobody had no idea what
it was and it stinks.
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Todd: yes if you had money on your books you could
make an order once A WEEK to get things like
cakes chips juice candy and personal hygeine
items Antwon: The commissary was like Christmas to the inmates but
the prices were three times as much as you would
purchase it on the street. No there were no other
snacks provided by the jail voluntarily.