JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Todd: it is usually a long drawn out process that
could take weeks even months in some instances
what usually happens some people get "lost in
the system" and they dont get to court as fast
as they should Antwon: The whole situation started in November of 2010
when I was doing some freelance IT work for a
small bodyshop in Prichard,AL.I provided my
services of networking and purchasing computers
for the client and half way through my working
with him I noticed that he was dishonest and
cheated a lot of his customers because I had
access to all the computer files that I needed to
transfer and he even admitted to me of the schemes
that he was doing. Well to make a long story short
the client decided that he wasnt going to pay me
after all the time and money I had invested in
getting his business running so I held on to a
previous check he gave me to get a part earlier in
the process and I charged him every cent that I
had invested.He told the police that he didnt
authorize it so in order to get his money back the
bank said he had to put out a warrant.So basically
the bank provided him with his money back and all
the work I did he got to keep.But karma is a bitch
because I along with his previous employees
provided fraudulent information to the IRS which
they seized everything and closed his business.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Todd: no Antwon: A detective came to my house but I wasnt home so
he left a card on my door telling me to call him
for questioning at the headquarters and turn
myself in.This was in the middle of January of
2011.I went to the Mobile Police Headquarters to
give my version of the story where I was then
arrested because the detective said I should have
got a lawyer since he didnt "authorize" the check.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Todd: i was already in jail whenever i went to court
and they transport you to the jail in a steel
enclosure inside a van then you had to sit in a
holding space for up to four hours waiting on
your turn to see the judge Antwon: I hired a great lawyer when I bonded out of jail a
few days later and told him what happend.My court
date was like in Feb. or March or 2011. The case
was thrown out in DC so I thought the situation
was over with until I got pulled over 10 months
later for not having on my seatbelt in my
neighborhood and when the officer ran my license
he said I had a warrant for missing court.I was in
shock because I had no idea what I missed court on
until I haad to sit in jail for months because I
couldnt get a bond because I missed court
unknowingly because I didnt stay at the same
address at the time the original situation took
place.I ended up getting a great court appointed
lawyer,Zachery Moore, who called the plaintiff and
knew that something wasnt right about his
claims.My lawyer knew that I didnt belong in jail
but the state of Alabama's goal is to convict and
get as much money as possible out of people.After
sitting in jail for months I had no money to
continue to keep paying for lawyers and keep going
back and forth to court so I just pleaded guilty
just to get it over with and get out of jail
without having to go through a trial and all of
the headache.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Antwon: My original charge was Theft of property and I was
convicted of Theft of Property.(Which was my own
property by the way)