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Closing Advice

Interview with Tom and Joe

JM: What else would you want a friend or family member to know if they have a loved one going to this jail?
Tom: get them out as quickly as possable, the Jailers are corupt and do not care about any inmate there, they treat prisoners like animals
Joe: all i would want them to know is that some of the officers are unfair and just give you a hard time wether your nice to them or not and they use excessive force even when its not necessary.

JM: If somebody knows they will be serving time in this jail what is your advice to them?
Tom: pay any tickets you have...
Joe: just keep to yourself and do as the officers say, try not to get into trouble because thats when the excessive force begins, and in all just keep your head up and ride it out

JM: Please list any other jail or rehab facilities you have been to.
Joe: none