JM: How many different blocks were there? Richard: It's a big jail. Our block was a giant block of
squares with 55 people in it. There are 12
levels of the building.
There are a lot of people there for drug
crimes. Donna: In the part of the womens jail I was in they were
called quads and I believe there were 14 quads.
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Richard: I don't know if they have names, but I do know
they are numbered. I was in 4F-12. Donna: They were arranged by letters of the alphabet and A-
N I believe.
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Richard: I only know about my area. I do know they
separate misdemeanors, up to the highest
security which is the top floor. I was on the
second floor. Donna: There were all kinds of inmates in there. I was
housed with everyone from the common drug addict
to murderers. They do have a small womens section
right next to the womens general pop called 377
where they had double person cells where they
housed the inmates that were detoxing really bad
or that had conflicts with an inmate in general
pop or just people who didnt play well with
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Richard: The only part of the jail I saw besides my own
area was the supply closet because I had
goodwill with the jail guards, and would help
clean. That's another thing that gets you time
off. Donna: The nicest parts were the quads that only had two
beds in them and the worst was the ones that had 4
bed crammed into one small quad. The quads are about
7 feet wide and 8 or 9 feet long. It was a big open
dorm with short cement walls separating the quads.