JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications? Richard: I don't need meds but my cell mate was diabetic
and he always had insulin. Donna: Yes, pretty much. You had to put in a medical slip
to see the doctor which could take up to a week in
some cases. Sometimes if you were sick and needed
meds you would be better before they got you to the
doctor. And they still charged you for the doctor
JM: How did you get your medications? Richard: They take people to the infirmary to give them
meds. Donna: They have a nurse that comes up to 3 times a day
and dispenses meds. They have little envelopes
with the inmates name on them and they poured them
into your hand and gave you a little cup of water.
They checked you mouth afterwards to make sure you
did not cheek your meds. People always still got
away with doing it though.
JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this? Richard: Basically they separate you and put you by
yourself. They add more time to your sentence
and take more of your rights away. Donna: They were put in what was called the bubble and
given what was called the dog food diet. That is
where they take everything you would have for
dinner that night and put it in a blender and form
it into a loaf shape and baked it. If you had
turkey a la king, salad, corn, rice, bread pudding
and two pieces of bread for dinner they put it
alllll into a blender and then baked it and fed it
to the inmate as punishment. I worked in the
kitchen while I was there once and I observed it
being made. It was given to a woman who had been
caught using meth.