JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Brittany: I got arrested for child endangerment. Jordan: The defense lawyer appointed to me and the
prosecution discussed the charge after the initial
guilty plea and the defense offered mitigating
circumstances to the prosecutor and the prosecutor
agreed to one of the mitigating circumstance but
not the other and the two of them came to an
eventual agreement
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Brittany: Police questioned me, my husband and my daughter.
I couldn't answer any of the questions at the
time because I couldn't remember anything from the
night before. I got arrested for felony child
abuse. They took me to the police station, did
some paperwork, took pictures and fingerprints and
took me to jail. Jordan: Yes they did and they went over what I was being
arrested for, the charges, the evidence, and the
witnesses. They asked me several questions and
then took me in for further questioning before the
charges were officially filed against me . The
arrest came a few hours after initial questioning
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Brittany: I went to court right after I got went to jail,
and the court told me that if I plead guilty I
could get out that day... it was my birthday so I
plead guilty and they released right away. They
told me to come back in August and commit myself
to the jail. They gave me 60 days but with good
time I served 30 days. They court capped me
August 31st, so I ended up serving a few days less
than 30. The judge looks at what is going on with
the inmates and if the jail is full, and you can
get your time capped if the judge decides to let
you out even earlier than good time. Jordan: It was crowded, full of people waiting for their
cases and most of them were alone but some had
families with them. The court attire was formal,
it was organized and most of the cases seemed to
be plea deals. Most of the people in court were or
appeared Mexican
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Brittany: Charged for felony child abuse. When I went to
court, I plead to a misdemeanor child endangerment.
d Jordan: embezzlement, and it was charged as embezzelement