JM: How many different blocks were there? Larry: there were 2 levels of i believe 50 on weach floor
and if I remember right there are actually 6 floors.
Do the math! Tawnie: There were 4 dorms plus Ad-Seg (administrative
segregation or maximum security). E Dorm is for
incoming, unsentenced people. D Dorm is
the "worker" dorm for food line workers and
trustees. C-dorm is for sentenced folks or those
awaiting the prison bus. B-dorm is the Choices
program dorm.
Henry: i think 5 or 6 floors, with a basement and each
floor has a north south east and west many
20 blocks?
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Larry: they went by blocks of floors and 2 blocks on each
floor. 3 East & 3 West... 4 East & 4 West and so
forth all the way up tho the 6th floor. This was
only in the new maguire jail. old maguire was
different where they had pods of people. Dont know
much about that layout though but I do believe
there were 3 floors including the foor for the
kitchen workers. Tawnie: See Above. Henry: 5 north, 5 west, 5 east, 5 south,
4 north, 4 west, 4 east, etc..
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Larry: the most troublesome inmates stayed in 3 east and
3 west. 3 east is basically recieving. Its the
first place you go after booking. Tawnie: Anyone coming in off the street into custody
will go into E Dorm. Its the loudest and
craziest and biggest dorm. Other than that, it
depends on whether you are a worker (D-dorm)
wanting to be in a program dorm (B-dorm) or just
doing your time (C-dorm). Henry: 5th floor was ged, across the street, i think
there were 5 floors also and each floor had 5
tanks on each side of the block, that housed 15
men each,so your looking at 60 +plus per wing 120
per floor working side..
in the regular blocks, you have about 40 doors
each section of the wing, ( 4 west, room with 40
doors, each housing 2 inmates. the location of the
deputy station changed when going to wings with
specific housing rules .for instance, the red
suits or those going to prison, or facing life, or
have three strikes, etc, they keep the deputy
station housed in bullet proof glass up a flight
of stairs behind tinted glass. more protection for
more risk.
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Larry: all the blocks were like shit but 3 east was the
messiest and the one that the y gave the least pod
time. 23 hours a day lockdown. Tawnie: The nicest thing about B, D and E is that they
are carpeted, so it isn't as noisy. B and C dorm
have 2-man rooms with a closing door and a main
common area, so sleeping is quieter. D and E
dorm have no windows, so you are completely
isolated. Henry: nicest? running the kitchen, eating REAL food and
working laundry so i had new clothes everyday and
didnt have to wear the same underwear and shirts
and everyone else. they were cripsy out the
package i would sellem or give my friends
new gear, from socks to shoes to pants, etc..the
worse part about it is the nastiness. the
disgusting people. the bums, the grime and dirt on
the walls. NO ONE cleans jails. we clean every
friday but no staff every cleans the shit, and
boogers and pee off the walls and if someone is
sick or has a virus or disease, the cops take teir
sweet time before even careing to look about
moving people around so they dont get sick. you
breathe disgusting air and have to deal with
disgusting environments. there were only a few
officers that truly did their job like they should
and tried to tell people what they can do to avoid
being arrested in the first place.