JM: How many meals did you get per day? Larry: in the beginning the 3jail would serve 3 hot meals
a day but through the years it turned to 2 then 1
then mostly bag lunches. The last time I was there
they were again serving 2 hot meals a day
depending on the day. Tawnie: 3 meals per day, served at 6am, 11am and 4:30pm. Henry: a bag breakfast, a bag lunch, and a tray meal.
3 meals a day.
if your lucky, you might get 2 lunches when we
have extras. or you might get two cool aid packs
or an extra peanut butter, things like that,
sometimes, if i knew a certain batch of lunches
were going to my floor i would throw in extra
stuff so people were happy.
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Larry: on a scale of 1 to 10 I would give the food -23.
It was really bad and constantly made me sick.
Every meal was served with milk also and I am
highly aqllergic to milk. Tawnie: It was hot and there was a lot of it, but it had
really high salt content. Breakfast was 1 cup of
dry cereal, 500ml of milk, a banana or orange.
We were served 4 slices of bread at lunch with 2
slices of either bologna, salami, or turkey; a
package of mayo and mustard; 4-5 carrot sticks,
a package of sunflower seeds and a "nutritious"
kool-aid drink mix. Dinner was some variation of
beans, rice and a breaded mystery meat cutlet,
canned green beans, and canned pinneapple with
500ml of milk. Henry: on a scale of 1-10
1 being (eating out of the garbage) and ten being
normal made at home food..
id say 3-5
why? well,take lunch, all you get is a an apple,
which is not a very good one to begin with,two
pieces of bread and a stick of peanut butter with
a little jelly pack.the worst quality. but its not
eating , how good can it really get? how
bad can it really get?
the hot meal which was dinner, was served with a
milk, or a cool aid packet and had some generic
food that was bought in bulk and packaged for long was jail food. its always been gross,
it always will be until they start spending more
of our money on the food WE eat instead of
throwing it away on police pensions or other
BULLSH*T we dont know anything about. people
should have the right to choose what their taxes
dollars are being used for.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Larry: back in the 90's the had a meal on sundays which
was some noodle strogenoff crap that would always
give the whole pod gas and it would stink for the
rest of the night. It had to be made with milk. Tawnie: The best meal was Friday night - chicken
drumstick(on the bone) night with mashed
potatoes and chocolate pudding. The worst was
any lunch. Always 4 slices of bread with 2
slices of digusting lunch meat that was always
dripping wet. Henry: i have to laugh at this question.its jail. there is
nothing favorite about it. if i HAD to choose one,
it would most likely be tacos.
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Larry: the 3only way you could get snacks is if you had
money on your books so that you could buy
commissary. You could get noodles and candy bars
and honey buns along with cookies and things like
that. Tawnie: You could order it on commissary and pay for it
but there was no extra food ever given out. Most
people would buy Top Ramen noodles, cookies,
chips, candy, coffee, tea and sugar/sweetner. Henry: the commissary was actually pretty good and kept
people alive in
not cheap not expensive, about what youd expect to
pay for snacks in jail. like, 1.25 a bag of
chips..just a little bit more than store prices.
they have a large selection. i made a lot of good
food mixes with my burritos..chop up
summer sausage, put in a bag with sugar, and soy
sauce, heat up tortillas,rice and bean mixture, cook
ramen noodles, no sauce, then add a jalapeno cheese
sauce to noodles, mix some curry powder, mustard and
pepper in a bag and put meat in it.lay on top of
water heater until hot( ten minutes) mix all together
in a burrito, and heaven shows up.