JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications? Larry: i never took medication while I was in there. The
only thing I would get is an inhaler for my asthma
but rarely used it since my asthma was crucial.
But I always wanted to have one just in case. Tawnie: Three times a day the nurse would hand out meds.
You had to put in a request form to see the
nurse if you didn't come into jail with a Rx
already. Seeing the doctor and getting the meds
might take a week or so. I came into jail with
my medication on me, so they already knew what I
needed to take and they provided it usually by
the second day I was in. Henry: no.many times i felt like seeing a doctor they
make you wait the time they were ready i
could have been dead or i just fell alseep... they
make you wait, so that by the time their ready to
help you , you either dont need it, which says to
them you didnt really need it to begin with, or
your still feeling bad but you just have to deal
with it until they feel like letting you out. they
only care about you pills, giving
you shots, etc.. they gave me a sleeping pill and
i was out for 2 days..only waking for count time
at 5am.
JM: How did you get your medications? Larry: my medication was sent to my door but other people
went to pill call. They would wake you up before
meals and the nurse would be there running pill
call. The officer would open one door at a time to
let them out to do pill call. Needless to say that
most of the guys there would be taking medication
for something or another but mostly psychotropic. Tawnie: The nurse would come to each dorm with the med
cart, along with the CO who would supervise
distribution. You would need to line up single
file with a cup of water and take the meds
infront of the nurse. You had to take them and
show that you swallowed the pills. Henry: by bothering the heck out of the staff and
constantly hitting the button for aspirin when i
would get a migraine. they dont care about you in
jail. To them, if your life is not at stake and you
can get air in your lungs, your perfectly ok.
JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this? Larry: if you abuse drugs while you were in there you
could get extra time and also get sent to the
hole. I dont really know what the hole is since I
have never been there but I take it that its not a
pretty place. Tawnie: I never saw anyone abuse drugs given out because
they had to be taken infront of the police and
the nurse before you walked away. Henry: i saw people get punished by going to solitary and
getting their free time taken away ( as well as good
time) from them for smoking cigarettes and or making
alcohol.most of them got extra charges and more time
to serve and lost any privileges they might have had