JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? Tom: There is a t.v. the phone playing cards chess and
similar games. You get to go to recreational yard
which is outside and has basketball volleyball and
handball as well as dip and pull up bars. You are
not able to go out very often but it is really
nice when you do Frank: TV. Yard about 2-3 times a week for various
amounts of time. A book cart could be requested.
There is church at least once a week. Not much. Ashlee: They have different types but I don't know if
you would say it helps pass the time cause it is
still in jail. You could request to go to law
library if available. Or you could go to the
different programs that were available to
inmates. But these programs were just inside
the jail but in a comference room.
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. Tom: No it was pretty regular. There was plenty of
stuff for everybody. Frank: It was very kickback where I was at, fortunately,
and we would always vote on what to watch on TV
and everyone got a relatively fair share, or got
to watch one thing they wanted on TV. Though I
guess in other tanks there'd be one shot caller
and you would just have to watch what he watched
or throw down. Just depends on the other inmates
that are with you. Ashlee: I don't know what you would consider
entertainment in jail. But what ever activity
was going on, we had the choice of going or
staying. Most of the inmates would go just to
get out of their cell. There is no competition
against inmates. We are given the choice of
going or staying in the cell.
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? Tom: No I myself work out fanatically while I am in
jail. There is plenty of opportunity for anyone
to stay in shape. It all depends on the
individual and how much effort he or she puts into
it. Anyone in jail can stay in great shape if
they so desire. Frank: No way, I got stronger than I was on entry! Even
with no equipment or the need to go to the yard,
there are lots of excercises you can do, Just ask
people. There is always someone that has a
regiment that you can look to for inspiration on
how to stay in shape. Ashlee: No because I pretty much worked out everyday.
Plus I made sure that I just didn't eat and
sleep all the time. So everyday I made sure I
had some type of exercise or stretching of my
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? Tom: ! or 2 times per week for a total of 3 to 6 hours Frank: 2-3 times a week for an hour at least, though
sometimes longer if the cop is cool or they forget
about you. The Max yard is really small, and all
you can do is walk circles, or play handball. If
you stay inside you can do pushups, situps, run in
place. You can also risk getting in minor trouble
by making waterbags for weight, or tying your
sheet on the bars and doing pullups. Ashlee: We usually went outside about 3 times a week for
at least an hour each time. Most of girls just
walk and talk the whole time out there or some
would do invidual workouts by themselves. If
you didn't want to go out, then you just in and
still can work out in your cell.
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? Tom: Yes. I never went so I cant say what they were
like. It was held in a little room on the main
hallway of the jail. They had about an hour or so
once a week or maybe twice Frank: Yes there is church at least once a week. In the
Max tanks it was Fridays and Sundays, though not
always. Fridays was usually more laid back church
because it was Pastor Larry, and you would watch
movies like Passion of the Christ or see little
presentations, or he would just tell stories or
sing a little bit and its cool. Sunday church
changed pastors every time and it was usually very
stricter and more "religiousy". They are usually
held in the evening, like 7pm or later, though it
would change sometimes. Ashlee: Yes, they would be held every other week. Which
sometimes they would only come once a month. The
church services were held in the conference room
in the jail. I found it very interesting.