JM: How long was your sentencing for? Jenna: too long - it seemed extra precautions because
of 9/11 were not fully understood by the
officers - so we spent extra time walking around
& not knowing where we were to be held before
court. ( 9/11 happened over 6 years before hand -
i think thats plenty of time to figure out how
to proceed with the job at hand ) Diane: I got time served after spending one week in
Martin County. Norman: 1 year 6months 9 days Andrea: i was sentenced to 3 months in county jail
JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead? Jenna: holding cell had obvious damage - & was recently
painted or sprayed with made one of the pregnant
girls sick - several times - about 2 1/2 - 3
hours later they removed us & informed us there
was a problem up stairs - that they did not
forget us - as for the pregnant woman that was
sick - this is what you get when you decide to
break the law - she should have thought of that
then. Diane: I did, and it was the worst part of all because I
was put in a holding cell with convicted murderers
and prostitutes. Norman: yes i was held in the holding cell after i was
sentenced for a few hours before they took me back
to the main jail it was very crowded and was a
horrible experience!! Andrea: spent about 2 hours in a holding cell at the court house, we were
eventually transferred to the actual jail, where we spent an addition
2-3 hours in a holding cell while they processed information