JM: Did you have regular access to telephones? Jenna: most times - when they remembered to turn them
on that is Diane: yes, but they can turn them off at any time Norman: somewhat.. it was hard to get access to the phones
most of the time due to lockdowns or very long lines
for the few phones they had for all the inmates Andrea: yes there was regular access to a phone
JM: What types of charges applied for calling people? How much money would you guess the average inmate spends per week on phone calls? Jenna: oh my god !!!! now that should be criminal - you
had to have someone deposit money into an
account for the phone - a company provided by
the jail - calls were limited to 15 mins. but
could cost upward of $20.00 - it has been over
a year & i have yet to receive the money left
over from that account - or from my commissary
jail account - was informed that it was a
privilege to have while in jail - what was left
was then taken as a charge for being there. Diane: Well since most people operate off their cell
phones only now they had to set up an account on a
calling card to receive phone calls. It came out
to be about fifty dollars for the week. Norman: it is VERY expensive. we could only call collect to
people we had to have approved first and they had to
have t-netics on the phone to even be able to be
called from and the calls only last at the most 15
minutes and at times the limit was only 5 minutes
and it cost about $1.50 a minute Andrea: the cost for the average inmate that actually have people to talk to
is between $50. min to about $100. maybe more
JM: Did you need to buy phone cards to call out? Jenna: it was a company you had to go thru Diane: no Norman: i was not allowed to buy a phone card only way to
call was collect thru t-netics Andrea: if you have a cell phone - the person with the phone has to buy a
phone card to be able to accept calls
JM: Did the jail screen your calls? Jenna: i imagine they did - a recording informed what
was not allowed to be discussed - i was never
personally cut off - but i had not broken the
discussion rules Diane: yes I am sure they did. Norman: of course.EVERY call is recorded and screened Andrea: yes they screen all calls