Interview with Jason, Kat, JM Advice, Brian, DavidP, keke, Teabag, Crystal, Edward, isaac, Lucky, Laydie, Kathy, Lisa, Apache, Janet, Ron, Ryan, Laura, Fernando, Gail, George, Rich, Mark, John, Juan, Erik, Scott, Shawn, Dominic, James, Carl, Josh and Jose
JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)? Jason: Close as I can tell they are like scrubs Kat: Two piece V- Neck JM Advice: Clothing consists of two-piece outfits that were color coded based
on your level of security. You get a V-neck top and an elastic-
waisted bottom. Brian: 2 pieces - pants and a shirt. DavidP: Some jails have jumpsuits, but in this case, it was a two piece -
pants with a v-neck top. You're given one when you go in, and
once a week you change. You all go in order, you follow the line
like third graders, you go in to this large room, and you actually
disrobe in the room. You have your underwear on, but you
disrobe in the room, and you throw the old ones in a bin and
you get new ones. The t-shirt and underpants are yours; you
buy them on commissary, along with socks. The pants and the
shirt are exchanged weekly. If you get them dirty, or spill your
meal on them, you're going to wear it for the week. keke: blue hard a* suit that when they gave it
sometime it wasnt clean Teabag: Socks (if you had them on at the time of your
Underwear (if you had them on at the time of
your incarceration).
WHITE T-Shirt or Deigo-Tee (if you had one on at
the time of your incarceration).
And a DOC Uniform which were similiar to
Hospital Scrubs (heavier fabric) Brown in color
with D.O.C. silkscreened onto the fabric.
Uniforms were very worn out, you had to be a
Gang Member to get fresh (Newer) DoC's where the
lettering was Crisp and Bold. Basically
affiliated inmates got DOC's fresh out of the
package. Otherwise they were worn out always 2
sizes too small (you looked like a clown in some
tight ass pants and shirt)
Crystal: Only the jail issue scrub-type uniform. Tan for
men and blue green for women. Edward: t shirt and D.O.C cloths isaac: doc or white tees Lucky: the beige ccdoc uniforms, white t-shirts. Laydie: jail attire Kathy: The basic beige CCDOC uniforms. Lisa: jail uniforms Apache: state Janet: A BLUE SHIRT BLUE PANTS AND A WHITE T-SHIRT
UNDER IF YOU ARE FORTUNATE TO HAVE ONE. Ron: county clothes Ryan: all the same Laura: Our "Blues". Blue smock and pants, white
undershirt. Now the girls from that unit wear pink. Fernando: no clothes can be brought in far as i know, no
clothes were i allowed to have brought in Gail: In 1997 I believe I had my Nike Air Jordans but
they took all my clothes.....They did allow me to
wear my Kicks but with the exception of shoe laces
because they thought that people would rather hang
themselves then maintain a Status Quo with some
bad ass shoes with their laces in????? I
mean...wait ,,,yeah,,you're
right,,,Maybe....OK>>>> George: You were only allowed underwear and socks.The
county gave you a brown uniform to wear. Rich: tennis shoes underwear and socks. you wore two piece
issued d.o.c. scrubs & maybe a jacket for transport,
also county issued Mark: only plain white t-shirts and socks as long as there
is no holes or writing on them. John: the clothes that i could have brought to me to
wear in the jail was nonw Juan: 1 pair of underwear i pair of socks...they gave
you a jumpsuit to wear besisdeedd that...alot of
times you wasjjed your bokers socks and tshirt
out inthe sink or shower Erik: SOCKS, UNDER WEAR, T SHIRTS, TANK TOPS, THESE
ARE THE THINGS I WAS AWARE OF Scott: You can have White socks, and white underwear
only. if you are in the trail phase of your case
then your court clothes can be brought and held
in the clothing room for you. Jason: YOU COULD WEAR IN A PAIR OF SOCKS MAYBE 2 IF YOU
DRAWERS. THAT'S ALL THAT YOU ARE ALLOWED Shawn: underwear socks shower shoes and you couldnt keep
walking around the place with the same old cothes Dominic: The only articles of clothing that inmates were allowed to wear that
wasn't jail issued was the original pair of socks and underwear they
had on at the time of their arrest. James: you could bring in a white tee. white socks and
drwers of whatever variety. nothing else Carl: you can only have white underwear and socks and if
you had any other color it was not permitted and you
had to take it off Josh: 1 white T-shirt, socks, underwear. The shirt could
be long sleeve or short. All white, no letters or
pictures Jose: Only socks and underwear. If your boxers didn't
have a hole in the fly, you were ordered to throw
them away and be stuck with no boxers.
JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you. Jason: Yes... Kat: Yes - Blue V Neck Shirt and Pants JM Advice: You change out your uniform once a week, so take good care of it,
especially at the beginning of your week. You have to buy your own
underwear, undershirts, and socks at the commissary Brian: It was gray. I think it was for a lesser offense. It wasn't like the
orange one. It comes in small, medium and large. I took large. I
think guys with violent offenses had different color clothing but I
never saw them. DavidP: We had blue, and I know there's an orange and a yellow, but I don't
know if there were any more than those three. I know that those
colors represent different degrees of your being there. I don't know
if yellow was maximum security, or if the orange was, but I know
there are different colors for different inmates. Everyone where I
was had the same - blue. keke: blue wit ccod on it Teabag: Light Brown, fashioned after hospital scrubs.
The shirt size printed on the Breast Pocket Crystal: Scrub type outfit. Edward: brown top and brown pants with D.O.C on the back
of them and the side of the pant leg isaac: brown Lucky: beige two piece. Laydie: yes Kathy: Beige with DOC on the back. Lisa: yes it was blue with d.o.c on it Apache: blue Janet: BLUE SHIRT,BLUE PANTS,WITH THE KETTERS D O C ON
THE PANTS AND SHIRT. Ron: yes beige Ryan: yes khaki colored pants and shirt Laura: Yes. It looked much like a doctors scrubs. The
shoes were similar to Keds, or slip-ons. They were
made by a company called "Bob Barker". I don't
think it's the one your thinking of, though. Fernando: the top is like what medical scrubs would look
like,if you were in a medical center,the pants is
the same color and type of slack,if its scrubs Gail: Blue...with an M and whatever else for your tier
on it...Wait! I had special priority! I usually
got the newer uniforms .....They were
squareish..Not very flattering..We kept them under
our mattresses to give them a Fresh pressed look
before going on visits or to court though...Ask me
about 1988 when we actually had washers and dryers
on the tiers......... :) George: The uniforms were light brown pants and v-neck top
kaki style.If you mean to the officers they would
give you the smallest uniform possible so that you
look gay. Rich: each person was issued a two piece scrub outfit, tan
with d.o.c i black letters across the back. the
pants also had d.o.c. on them as well. Mark: 2 pieces of clothing that was tan in color. the back
of the shirts said DOC which meant department of
corrections. long pants and t-shirt. if you are cold
they tell you too bad they don't have long sleeves. John: the ste uniform that i had in jail was a khaki
colerd suit pants in a v neck type of top thick
with doc on it Juan: orange looking jumpsut that sai c.c.c. on the
back for cook county corrections...u also
couldwere your tennis shoes you came in with but
if they were high end jordans they were put
inproperty....most people wore ythe bob baker
sandals....bob barker is the known clothing line
CAN, AND NEVER WANT TO WEAR THAT STUFF Scott: It was a pants and shirt set that was khaki like
in color and texture, and had DOC printed on it
ELASTIC WAIST BAND VERY UNCOMFORTABLE Shawn: the set uniform s dingy the sets never mtched
unless you knew someone that worked in change it
was always hard time ti find a jumpsuit Dominic: All inmates were issued beige khaki pants and a short sleeve
pullover shirt. The pants had elastic in the waistband since inmates
were not allowed to have belts. The shirts had V-neck collars and
had the initials DOC printed on the back in bold black lettering. James: you was giving a grey two piece uniform that was
marked doc. its was made out of a canvass type
material. that was rough and hard and smell funky Carl: it was a brown 2 piece khakis with doc written
across the back of the shirt and down the legs of
the pants a pair of either shower shoes or canvas
gym shoes Josh: Brown shirt and brown pants. DOC on the shirt and
DOC down the pant leg. If you had a white shirt
then you usually wore that under Jose: There were a pair of brown pants with an elastic
waistband. I don't know how to describe the
material, but it was almost like a very thin pair
of jeans/sweatpants combination. The top was a
t-shirt with a single pocket of the same brown color.
JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned? Jason: Something that comes close to fitting Kat: NO JM Advice: Chicago can obviously be very cold in the winter and the jail is no
exception. You will definitely want to by an undershirt (like long
underwear) from commissary to keep a little bit warmer during
these months. keke: hell no just blue Teabag: 3XL Uniform...... Fitted the best and looked
the best.... Crystal: No no options. Edward: yeah the ones that would fit Kathy: No, except for different sized uniforms. Lisa: no Apache: new Janet: NO Ron: no Ryan: new shit Laura: I say the bigger, the better. Unless your looking
to impress somebody, go big! If it's cold you can
use it as a blanket, extra pillow, cuddle-buddy,
jail smocks work wonders!!! And you can also use
the string to thread your eyebrows, something else
I learned in jail. Fernando: no,clothes are not able to be indemand or asked
for you get what they give you Gail: The better newer colored uniforms.There were so
many that were totally disgusting.faded,loose in
the elastic..They didn't care what size you
were.You got what you got..But not me because I
pulled some rank within the system...The highest
demand was the Dark Blue DOC jacket..I had
one..They had a midnight raid...They confiscated
it after telling them who issued it to me...I let
the person who issued it to me know.I got it back
and the b**** got a suspension....She came back to
work....Saying,"Sorry Ms.Velasco......I didn't
know who you were!!!!!" Anyways..Another bad ass
made for television production that I could
articulate on BUT>>>>>>>The references to my name
mean a lot.............Check it! George: Not at all,you wear what you get regardless of the
size. Rich: NOT A THING YOU'RE NOT THERE FOR A FASHION SHOW. Mark: no that i was aware of no. i have never seen
different type of jail cloths just the ones i
described in the last question. John: the omly high demand an inmate needs two worried
about its finding some thing that isn't to small
or to big its hard two get your size when jail is
over crowed Juan: well god forbid when they did your laundry that
your socks got goot pretty cold
in there Erik: I DON'T EVEN RECALL WHAT I WORE WHEN IN JAIL Scott: Yes, uniforms that were not raggy, and looked
SO THAT THEY MAY FIT BETTER Shawn: yes the bigger the clothes the more high demand
was needed Dominic: Inmates usually tried to get the newer looking khaki and shirts that
were not as worn James: you just wanted something that fit. pants with
elastic that all Carl: not on the clothes but the canvas gym shoes were
very poplar and most of the time when it got close
to you out date we would usually trade them for food Josh: Im a smaller guy so it didn't matter. But
naturally the big guys wanted the big sizes. Jose: All the clothes are exactly the same. You just
want a clean pair.
JM: Was the clothing different between men and women? Jason: Dont Know Kat: NO JM Advice: Clothing for women and men are basically the same. Brian: It was pretty similar. Actually, it was exactly the same. Obviously,
different sizes, but it was the same thing, two pieces - not sweats,
though. It was thin [fabric], but no buttons on the fabric - just an
elastic waistband. DavidP: Yeah, it was the same. The color is coded according to the area
you're in, which is determined by the degree of your offenses,
like medium security, or high security, or whatever. To be
honest, it's rare to see women, but because of the medical deal,
I had to go once every two or three weeks to a mini hospital for
an overall checkup, and that is the only area where you see
women, and it's only a few at that. I only saw them through a
window. I did see that they had the same color uniform as we
did. In any jail, they never mix the two, but you didn't even see
them in this jail. I only saw them because of the medical deal. keke: women get a hard a* blue suit and men get a
hard a* beige suit Teabag: Brown for men Blue for women Crystal: Only color. Edward: we had brown and the woman had blue isaac: no Lucky: yes, colors. men wear beige women wear dark blue. Kathy: Women in blue, Men in beige Lisa: no Apache: no Janet: THE WOMEN WEAR BLUE THE MEN WEAR BEIGE. Ron: yes Ryan: the womens were blue Laura: Just the color. Fernando: no,its similar clothing for both Gail: All the uniforms were starchy and looked like
crap..I think minus the convicts who are convicted
of murder we all wore the same uniforms....I mean
come on..You rarely even see a man unless you're
going to court or there's a male C.O on your
deck... George: No only the colors I think the women wore blue. Rich: JUST THE COLOR OF THE SCRUBS Mark: i'm not sure i didn't get a good look at the woman
in the jail. John: the difference was ours was khaki in theirs was
blus Juan: have no idea...i seen women twice and i think
they jhad a different colored jump suit on Erik: I DO NOT REMEMBER SEEING ANY OF THE FEMALE
INMATES AFTER INTAKE Scott: No, woman's clothes just seemed like they were in
EXCEPT THEY WORE BLUE Shawn: yes i believe the women wore blue clothes Dominic: The clothing was the same for the female inmates, with the only
difference being that the females' clothing was blue in color. James: basically the same maybe a diffrent color Carl: no difference we all wore the same brown khakis Josh: I think the woman wore blue jump suits Jose: The clothing was exactly the same.