JM: How many meals did you get per day? Bee: 3 small meals. They were cold meals, they didn't
give us seasoning except for one pack of salt and
pepper, the long things had to be cut up just on
case someone in the jail wanted to use it for sexual
reasons. Anthony: you got 3 meals per day they were terrible and
small Clarence: 3, if you want to call them meals.
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Bee: A negative 12 because it is already small but
then when you first start eating it makes you sick
and you better check your food first and make sure
that is cooked all the way. Anthony: on a scale of 1-10 id give it a -3 i wouldnt
feed that stuff to my dog but when your in there
you have to eat it cause you gotta eat but most
people lived off of there commisary cause you
were fed sweat meat sandwhichs like 3 days a
week and the other 4 days you were fed different
forms of slop Clarence: Somewhere between bad & horrible. Stale bread & just bad
tasting lunch meat & food in general. Often the "hot" meals
were not hot and the portions are small. There are always
guys who want to trade food with you, for example you give
them your roll in exchange for potatoes.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Bee: I hated it all!!! Anthony: they were all terrible there was no favorite it
was just which ones werent as bad as the others
but there were some you just couldnt eat
regardless Clarence: No, they all were bad. The portions are small in all meals but
if I had to pick one meal that was better than the others, I
would say dinner because it was somewhat normal - warm &
an attempt at decent food.
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Bee: The only other snacks was your commissary. Anthony: yeah you could buy commisary but you could only
spend 40 dollars twice a week and commisary was
extremly expensive but thats what most of the
people in there lived off of dips were king in
jail Clarence: You were able to buy from the commissary on a weekly basis
& they mostly offered snack type items. A lot of junk food is
consumed in jail, which doesn't help you, but its all the choice
you have when you're hungry.