JM: How many meals did you get per day? Jonathan: You get 3 meals a day. early breakfast 6am, early
lunch 11am, early supper 4pm. Mike: Three meals a day, morning, noon and night.
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Jonathan: It's not great, but dedham is better than most
jails. It's the same menu every week, so it gets
repetitive. It's usually plain oatmeal for
breakfast, one day it's cold cereal, one day
pancakes. Lunch is usually a bologna sandwich.
Dinner is pasta, or a terrible chili or hamburger.
I grade the food a C. Mike: The food in Norfolk was pretty good but you are always hungry if
you don't make canteen. But the food isn't bad eggs or cereal or
oatmeal for breakfast, sandwich and salad for lunch and a hot
dinner, fair portions and everything was eatable. The food was
much better than other county jails I have been in.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Jonathan: Favorite meal was the terrible chili, because the
portion was big. Least favorite was the luches,
because they were always small. Mike: Hard boiled eggs for breakfast, lunch was always eatable and for
dinner my favorite was chili the turkey dinner was pretty good as
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Jonathan: The only snacks you can get outside of meals has to
be purchased from commissary. The prices of
commissary are high. For instance, 1 package of
Ramen noodles costs about 90 cents. In a grocery
store it's about 10 cents. Mike: No snacks without commissary, the commissary at Norfolk was a
little expensive. Ramen soup was $1.05 which is high. I survived on
peanut butter and coffee, generally spent 10-20$ a week if I had it.