JM: How many different blocks were there? Grant: 5 different units Will: 32 Deshawn: There were 20 units in the Nashua st jail and in the south bay
jail had 3 units in the 3 building and in the 4 building there
were 3 units. Wes: about 200 or more
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Grant: 4 bldg, intergration unit, 3bldg, drug block,
community work program, 1-2-1, pre release,the
whole Will: N/A Deshawn: Unit 21 was the drug block unit, 22 was the gang unit, 41 was
the workers unit 61 and 63 was the murder unit, 62 was flight
risk unit, I don't remember the girls unit but they had one.
Wes: n/a
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Grant: based o0nj their classification, 3 bldg
generqally got no moves due to incarceration
behavior Will: Depending on their case, level of security, and sex Deshawn: Different gangs had there own blocks, there was a block for
people that had a murder beef which was a murder case, flight
risk people they thought would try to escape. Older folks that
was the unit were they would have less problems and just
wanted to do there time and go home. Wes: gangmembers
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Grant: 3 bldg wild alot of people over crowed violent,
pre release the best self explanatory can work
get passes out in the community Will: N/A (kept to my block mostly) Deshawn: There was no nice parts about the blocks in jail, they all where
bad. They all had different colors, and they all had a certain
smell to them like recycled air. The only good blocks were the
ones in the front of the building where you can see the people
out front. Wes: none