JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Grant: I went to court over a dozen times over a 2 yr
process although never having been on probation I
was sentenced to 2 1/2 years with a year to serve
at 40 years old for all total 17 10.00 bags of
heroin Will: It was long winded for me due to a court mistake. I was lucky that
my cooperation during the time was taken into account with the
Judge. Deshawn: Well the pre-sentencing process from court they bring you in
through the rear of the jail in a patty wagon, a bounch of us
locked together in a chain link procedure. From there you go in
the tank and wait until they call your name and they check if
you have any(keep away) that's when you have problems with
someone and you can't be in the same unit as that person
then they put you in a unit. Wes: Back to back court dates then back to jail to
serve your sentence.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Grant: No they came w/o a warrant, using my co defendant
to knock on the door, i refused to open it they
came baqck 20 minutes later with the warrent Will: I was arrested on a warrant when my car was stopped for speeding
and my warrant came up. The officer was very cooperative since I
did not at all know about the warrant Deshawn: I had a warrant for my arrest so they staked out my house and
when I came outside they raided me in front of my house.
They had a body warrant so they went through my room
looking for guns and drugs. They didn't find anything but they
still took me in. Wes: no a call was placed and i was arrested.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Grant: Very one sided no there take was that I was a
black man in a predominately white community
using and selling heroin like I start the south
boston heroin epedemic which is still on going
regard to the addiction humanity side ... Will: The court experience itself was very quick and brief for me. It went
by way to fast for me to remember any details Deshawn: It was a huge court room and they held us downstairs when it
was my turn to see the judge they would transport you upstairs
and they would put you behind a glass wall and you would
stand next to a microphone and answer the judges questions
when he would ask you them. Wes: it was nerve wrecking to have your freedom in
the hands of a complete stranger.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Grant: dist class a 3 counts w/i a school zone,
eventually school zone was dropped so I was
convicted of 3 count of poss class with intent to
distribute Will: The original charge was failure to appear for a civil case that I
thought was dismissed Deshawn: Distribution of class A substance with intent to distribute,
conspiracy to violate the drug law, possession of clas A
substance within 1000 feet of a school zone, Wes: Distribution of a class b substance