Interview with Girliegirl, Paul, Tyler, Tom, Ryan, Zach and Pat
JM: What else would you want a friend or family member to know if they have a loved one going to this jail? Girliegirl: SEND your family or loved ones money orders so
they can buy their own soap, clothes or just
anything they might need. Paul: Do the time instead of paying the fine!!!! Jail is
easy!!!! you get 3 meals a roof over your head
and more than likely you will be a trustee!!! Tyler: It seemed safe. I never felt threatened. Once you
understand the routine, the time goes by easily
without stress. Inmates like to get mail. Tom: to stay on their where abouts and to keep money in
their account to get the things they need to make
their stay a little easier to deal with and keep in
touch write letters and visit as often as they can
its the little things that mean the most. Ryan: Be supportive. They love to receive letters from the
people that they love and care about regularly. It
just helps to show that they have support, and loved
ones out there that care for them and miss them. Zach: avoid disrespecting the staff. I got to know
quite a few of them, and aside from a few
sh*tbirds, they are just doing their jobs, and
don't want any trouble, same as you. We're all
humans. Some of us hit hard times in our lives. Pat: Pray for them
JM: If somebody knows they will be serving time in this jail what is your advice to them? Girliegirl: Mind your own don't have any
friends in jail. Paul: Jail is easy dont be so worried about it!!! Tyler: Daily/weekly routine in East Annex.
5am breakfast called by section. After you eat you
return to your bunk. Most people go back to sleep.
7am you must get up and have you bed made.
Somewhere between 7am and 9am they have a count
and you must be on you bunk on top of your covers.
Then the day room and yard are open until lunch
and you are free to do what you want. (shower,
walk around, play cards, watch tv, talk on the
phone, read, etc.).
They lock down for lunch around noon (everyone
must go to their bunk and wait for their section
to be called for lunch). Between lunch and dinner
everyone is free to do what they want again. Lock
down for dinner around 5pm and then again around
8:30pm for a count. Then you are free again to
around 10pm. Lights remain op till about 11pm then
everyone must be quite and stay either in their
bunks or going to the bathroom till morning.
Mon, Wed, Fri. Razors are available. must be
returned within one hour.
Friday order commissary. Monday commissary orders
come in.
One day a week laundry for personal items
One day a week uniform and towel exchange (fresh
uniform) Tom: dont get caught up is the bs in there do your time
not anybody else and do the time dont let the time
do you and remember you will be home one day!! Ryan: Try and get out on bond if you can. And if it's
worth it for you to o get bonded out. The stay is
horrible. And the court system goes slower for you
if you're not held within the jail. So you have
extra time before scentencing to spend time with
your family. As well as to save up money for your
stay. For either your or your familys benefit. Zach: Don't focus too much on what you think may or may
not be happening OUTSIDE the facility. Just keep
your head up and spend the time you have to
spend. let it teach you something. "don't let the
time do you".
Pat: leave the state
JM: Please list any other jail or rehab facilities you have been to. Tom: Lapeer county Ryan: Macomb county jail. I was also locked up in two
prisons. The THUMB correctional facility (TCF), And
Macomb regional facility(MRF). Zach: N/A