Interview with Girliegirl, Paul, Tyler, Tom, Ryan, Zach and Pat
JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Girliegirl: They asked me about my family history,marital
history, education history,employment history and
if I had any health issues. They wanted to know
if I had any substance abuse, mental problems,
previous arrests and if I had any pending cases.
I had to summarize my crime to them in detail.
Paul: It took a while but it wasnt a serious charge just
a possession of marijuana!!!! i violated my
probation and had to serve 10 days! Tyler: Standard stuff. Tom: i sat in a cell with about 30 other inmates for
about 3 days without a shower and on the cold hard
concrete until i was classified then sat in another
room with about 15 inmates for two day then moved to
the east annex to wait for my court date. Ryan: after the initial arrest, i was in holding in the
Hazel Park city jail until the third day. Where
they arraigned me of my charges. After the
arraignment, i was sent over to the OCJ facility
in Pontiac. And brought back over to the Hazel
Park city courthouse every week, as my scheduled
court dates were to be meet. Zach: Booked, processed, then arraigned, personal bond
issued, released. Pat: Video arraignment in the jail. Taken to Novi 52-1
court for pre-trial. After pre-trial I was put in
a holding cell in Wixom for 8 hours, then taken
back to OCJ. Wixom gave me a chicken sandwich in
the holding cell.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Girliegirl: No Paul: no Tyler: No Tom: myself and a friend was riding down the street
when a officer rode pass and made a u-turn and
stop me before the car stop there was two more
blocking me in with guns drawn telling me to show
them my hands they search my car looking for a gun
but found none but did find a open beer can and i
was arrested on the spot. Ryan: They did initially stop by my house for
questioning. But I wasn't there. Knowing that they
wanted to speak with me, and were going to arrest
me; I turned myself into the station the following
morning. Was subsequently arrested. And spoke with
the detective the following morning about the
situation, and arrest. Zach: Negative police contact. Was pulled over and
arrested for a knife in the car. Pat: Yes, Police came to my house. I was arrested for
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Girliegirl: I went into the court. They told me what my
charge is and the maximum penalty if convicted.
They gave me my bond amount Paul: easy Tyler: Uneventful, just answered the questions the judge
asked. Tom: court was crazy i was awoke at 4am and put in the
same cold cell with about 25 inmates waiting for
court then we were cuffed at the ankles and wrist
all together and put in a van and headed for the
court house once there we sit in the courthouse
cell until they call you for court mine was at 4pm
so when i went in front of the judge i looked a
mess no shower no comb nothing to look presentable
looking like i needed to be in jail. Ryan: It was pretty regular. The court dates were spread
out to about once every week. Unless there were
other reasons for it to be stretched out past that
week mark. Such as my court appointed lawyer not
showing up for my court dates. Which forced me to
sign over my rights to a speedy trial, since I
didn't want to proceed with the case without him
present. Zach: Court was quick and relatively painless, my
attorney made sure that things went as rapidly
and smoothly as possible Pat: Shackled ankles, belly chain and cuffs.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Tom: DUI but i was convicted of driving on a suspended
lincese Ryan: I was originally charged with Domestic assault &
battery 3rd. And at the end of the case, ll charges
were dropped. And I ended up serving time for
contempt of court. Zach: Carrying a concealed weapon: knife (double edged)
Convicted of same (plea) Pat: Assault and resisting arrest. Convicted of
Assault only.