Interview with Girliegirl, Paul, Tyler, Tom, Ryan, Zach and Pat
JM: How often could you receive visitors? Girliegirl: Once a week on Saturday or Sunday Paul: Not sure, my mom and brother came once in the 10
days I was there. Tyler: No sure. There seemed to be visitors coming
everyday. I did not have visitors. You have to
submit a request for visitation that includes the
time. Once approved your good to go. I overheard
people having there requested time denied and they
had to change the time. Tom: once a week for a half hour and if you us a trustee
you got a hour. Ryan: visitors could come up to see you once a week. And
each visit was for a half an hour period. Zach: Usually every week. Pat: 1x/week 30 minutes
JM: Was the check-in process lengthy for those who came to see you? Girliegirl: Yes. Long lines, lots of security checks and
people that asked too many questions. Paul: Nope Tyler: Don't know. It didn't appear to be. Tom: yeah they had to ok every person on your visitors
list and you had to pick a certain time or you got
no visit at all. Ryan: The visitors were told to arive at leas a half an
hour in advance to the pre scheduled interview. And
it took them roughly 15 minutes to be searched and
sat down before the visit took place. Zach: Being that I was not visiting myself, I cannot
answer accurately. I'm told the process is a lot
smoother than it used to be. Pat: no
JM: What was the visiting environment like? Girliegirl: crowded and guards watch every move you make.
Cameras and guards everywhere. People didn't get
to sit close to each other. We got searched when
we got in the visiting area and REALLY searched
when we had to go back to our cells. Paul: rediculous, kinda barbaric!!! Tyler: Visitors stand in a row on the outside of glass
windows that look into the day room. Inmates use
phones to talk to them from the other side of the
glass. Everyone in the day room can see the
visitation. Not private. Tom: when your family first come in their search and told
to sign in and to sit in the green chairs and wait
until your name is call then you can sit and talk
through a big thick glass window this is a no
contact visit and only half hour so Ryan: They were on closed circuit television. With a
telephone attached to the monitors to hear the
person that was visiting you. The screens were
grainy and not that clear at all. and they took
place foe a half an hour time per visit, per week.
and they took place right down at the end of the
hall from where you were housed at. Zach: basically a webcam in a booth. Pat: video visitation