JM: How many meals did you get per day? Allyson: Three. Eric: you only get three meals a day
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Allyson: Overall it wasn't that bad. I gained 40 lbs, and
I had only $20 for the whole time I was there on
my books to buy extra snacks. Candy bars off
commissary cost $2 so $20 doesn't go a long way. Eric: It takes a few days to get your stomache adjusted
to that stuff. but you know you have to eat so
each day u eat a little more until your eating
whole trays. and then personally for me once I
reach that point I become hungry and the three
meals is enough just to survive
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Allyson: They used real potatoes, which was good. I ate
more than I should have. Good cookies, good
cakes. The coffee was horrible, so you had to buy
your own off commissary. The Kool Aid was
horrible. They have hard boiled eggs, and pancakes
weren't that bad either. They use no pork in their
meat so a lot of their sausage and meat was
tasteless. Eric: no I did favor the biscuits and gravy in the
morning time for breakfast. sometimes dinner was
good the spaghetti
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Allyson: On Christmas they gave us popcorn, Kool Aid and pop
from the pastor. The inmates made holidays nice
in my mod. Everyone chipped in on the mod and we
made a feast with jail recipes. It was one of the
most authentic and real Christmas's I have ever had. Eric: only on the commissary and it was ok but I heard
the food is better and cheaper in the state
prison. but they had instant noodles to pop tarts
to pork skins to tuna and chicken and beef
crumble tortilla shells for burritos or nachos