JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior? Freya: no--you had to be in for at lest 14 daysto earn
good time. Jen: Yes-did 4 out of 6 months. Cathy: I was required to serve 90 days and I ended up
serving 92 because the folks who put the
electronic monitoring devices on don't work on
weekends; I had to wait until Monday to be
released. My "good time" came off the length of
time I wore the "bracelet". I should have worn
it for 9 months but had it off in 5.
JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior? Jen: 1/3 of your sentence. What they call "Good Time"
is automatically given-meaning if you are sent
up for a year they will put your release date as
8 months out. You have to screw up really bad in
order to have to stay the whole length of the
sentence. Cathy: I think it's 1/3 of the sentence, but I'm not
completely positive.
JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior? Freya: Nothing specific--just obey the rules
and "demonstrate acceptable institutional
behavior and show meaningful participation in
court-ordered programming." from Inmate Handbook. Jen: Don't fight with anyone, don't have contraband
(Just about everything that is not prison issue
is considered contraband). Don't steal from
other inmates, don't smuggle drugs in, don't
make your own alcohol. Cathy: Abide by all of the rules. No contraband, no
drugs, alcohol, etc. No fighting, stealing,
etc. During my time, I didn't witness anyone
losing good time. You have to really mess up
badly to lose good time!